Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Pet Food - What Is The Best Food For Your Dog Or Cat?
What have we been feeding our pets all these years? We’ve all, including Veterinarians like myself, trusted the pet food companies completely. We believed they have always held our pets – and our – best interests to heart. But in the case of the large multinational pet food companies, apparently not.
What we’ve been feeding has obviously not been what’s best for our pets. What we’re seen is shorter life spans, more disease, and more cancer – not healthier pets. While genetics do play a role, our pets are just like us. Garbage in... you know the result.
Pet food company ethics aside, the ultimate question that needs to be answered is this: what is the best food that we can feed our pets? Should we feed home diets, or are there companies that we can still trust? And what about raw food home diets?
The quick, simple answer, regardless of what you choose to do, is this: be informed. Be an informed, educated pet owner, and know what you are feeding your pet. You are your pet’s guardian. You know your pet better than anyone else, including your veterinarian. Your pet’s health is ultimately your responsibility – and that definitely includes what you feed your pet.
If you feed home diets, you’ll clearly know the ingredients, and can find the ultimate sources of the foods you buy. If you feed prepared food (kibble or canned), make sure you know what really goes in that food. Make sure you know the company very well – that they have trustworthy sources for their ingredients, and that they can prove it.
The other consideration, and I am hearing this quite a lot lately, is simplicity and convenience. The main reason prepared pet food became popular in the first place was because of convenience. Many of the dog and cat home diets you see tend to be quite complicated, and this scares many pet owners away.
I also hear many pet owners voicing concerns about home diets, wanting to ensure that they are ‘nutritionally balanced’. And while this is a consideration, the truth is that it’s not difficult to attain.
And again, what about raw food diets? Raw food and all of the apparent concerns (founded or unfounded) are definitely the subject of another article entirely, although it is definitely something I do recommend to some degree. So where does this leave us?
Ideally, I would recommend a switch to home diets, whether raw or cooked. You have the most control (again, in as much as we trust our own food sources) over the ingredients. You see, every day, exactly what you are feeding your pets.
However, the ideal is not always the most practical for many pet owners. There is also a consideration of the transition from completely packaged kibble to home food preparation. Many pet owners are unsure of how to prepare the foods properly, especially when dealing with raw food.
A great way to start, and this is what I am currently doing, is to feed a combination of home diets and packaged kibble. Again, make sure that you trust the company that produces the packaged food – do your own research! But I have found that this works well for most pet owners. Start with a home diet that you are comfortable with and feed it once or twice per week, and go from there. For my own pets, I feed one home cooked diet and one prepared, pre-frozen raw food diet. My dog and cat both love their new diets and are responding very well.
The other benefit of doing a combination is that you are providing a varied diet, something I definitely recommend now. There is not one food – packaged or otherwise – that is going to be perfect for all pets. By varying the diet you will make up for any nutritional imbalances your pet may experience from one particular diet or another.
For home diets, I have several available on my site, “Dr. Andrew Jones’ Inner Circle”, theonlinevet – please see the link in my bio. I’ve also prepared a list of pet food companies that I feel are trustworthy. In addition, I’m in the process of writing a book on pet food that will take on all of the subjects in this article, and provide many home diets and recommendations. Please visit my sites below to sign up for my newsletter if you would like to be notified when the book is available.
Being an informed pet owner includes not only diet, but health in general. I have an e-book and complete home study course on just that – visit Veterinary Secrets Revealed for more information.
To your pet’s good health...
Dr. Andrew Jones, a practicing Veterinarian, has a special interest in alternative, natural pet remedies.
Visit http://www.squidoo.com/dogfoodtraining/ for more information about Online Dog Food Tips and Dog Food Recall.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Healthy Alternatives to Commercial Dog Food

What alternatives are there to feeding our dogs the commercial dog food available in our supermarkets.We can give them balanced cooked homemade dog foods, raw dog food or organic canned dog food.
Organic dog food is all natural ,free from preservatives, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. The manufacturers of these organic dog food have to maintain high level of standards in the preparation and handling of these foods.These foods are considered healthy,but lately we have had some of these organic natural food on recall.
Another alternative is to prepare good old homemade dog food whereby you know exactly what goes into the food.Most of what you include will be found in your kitchen like meat, ground turkey, brown rice, oatmeal
and vegetables like carrots, corn, peas and nuts.Dogs tolerate most nuts except macadamia nuts which are toxic to them.
When cooking at home avoid onions, garlic, sugary food, salt and macadamia nuts.
Raw dog food would normally have different meats mixed with other food like raw vegetables. One of the popular diet is the BARF diet known also as "bones and raw food".In this diet the ingredients are meaty bones from chicken or lamb, raw eggs,raw vegetables,cooked cereals,yogurt and supplements.
In case you decide to change the type of food you are feeding your dog do so gradually adding the new portions on to the old until you have switched to the new food.Yogurt helps the dog adjust to a new diet especially if you are changing to a raw dog food diet.
For more information on what to feed your dog visit this website with lots of testimonies and over 240 recipes of homemade dog foods.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Raw Dog Food and Homemade Dog Food are here to Stay!

Dog lovers are going back to feeding their dogs natural food like meat-based foods and even giving them the table scraps. This is an improvement from the grain-based cheap commercial pet food available in our supermarket shelves.
Most commercial pet food have very highly processed ingredients that have unquestionable nutritional values. Secondly there are harmful chemical preservatives that are included in these commercial pet products to preserve them for a longer shelf-life.
The trend now is towards raw dog food diet and homemade dog food diets which are getting more popular because dog owners are seeing the excellent results that these natural foods achieve.
A dog's health will depend on the good nutrition that you give him.
Recently dog owners have found remarkable change in the health of their pets and the appearance of their skin and coat after feeding them high quality meat based foods.
Dogs can survive on diet of either plant or animal origin if balanced but they definitely thrive on meat-based diets. But that doesn't mean that you should feed your dog a home-made ALL MEAT diet. Their diets must be balanced with other carbohydrates and nutrients.
Visit this site which has over 240 recipes of healthy homemade dog food which are easy and affordable to prepare.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Dealing with Dog Allergies
Food Allergies
The most common symptom of food allergies is scratching, due to skin irritation. Dog foods contain a host of ingredients which can cause an allergic reaction to your dog. Some of these ingredients are:
Meats: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs
Diary products (Milk)
Grains (Wheat, Whey) Corn
Most dog owners often scold their dog for scratching too much. Any obsessive behavior your dog demonstrates, such as constant scratching, chewing, licking, requires immediate attention. Never assume that this is just a new habit your dog picked up. Dog allergies can make your dog very uncomfortable.
Aside from scratching, some of the other symptoms dogs can experience are:
eye and nose discharge
Itching around the anus
hair loss
loss of appetite
pawing at their ears or head shaking
breathing problems
Isolating the allergen which causes the allergy is not easy because the dog is usually allergic to one specific ingredient in the food. Therefore, it is a matter of isolating that ingredient. You can try doing this with an elimination diet, which most people don't have the time or energy for. The elimination diet requires preparing specially-cooked meals consisting of a more exotic meat, like rabbit or venison, mixed with rice or potato, which wouldn't normally be found in dog food.
An easier and more modern approach to test for the presence of a food allergy is to try a dog food which contains hydrolyzed proteins, such as Purinas HA or Hills z/d. Hydrolyzed proteins are broken down into molecules so small, they can't affect the immune system, which is what causes the allergy. If the allergy goes away while your dog is on this diet (which would take about 8 weeks), then he most likely is suffering from a food allergy. At this point, you would start to re-introduce the possible allergens one by one (individual meats, wheat, corn, milk, etc.) for a period of two weeks each. If the symptoms return, it is most likely due to the ingredient being introduced at that time. You should look out for that ingredient on dog food labels in future purchases.
Atopy (inhalant allergy)
Atopy is the most common of all dog allergies, which is caused by environmental factors, such as dust mites, molds, house dust, human dander, feathers or pollen.
Signs of atopy include excessive chewing, licking and scratching at the face, paws, abdomen, armpits and genital area. Evidence of this behavior can be found in examining your dog's paws, armpits and genital area. Reddish-brown stains develop in these areas due to excessive licking. This may not be evident in dogs with dark coats.
Atopy is not easy to diagnose due to other dog allergies having the same symptoms. Once these other dog allergies (food, flea and contact) have been ruled out, your vet can proceed with testing for the root cause of the atopy. The most accurate method of testing for atopy is Intradermal Skin Testing.
There are many different treatment options for atopy. The best treatment would be avoiding the allergen altogether. If this is not feasible, other treatments include cool water baths with medicated shampoo, antihistamines, allergy shots, corticosteriods or a diet rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Flea Allergies
Dog allergies to fleas are not caused by the flea itself, but rather the flea's saliva. A common symptom of flea allergies is scratching at the tail area which causes hair loss, scabs and sores. Your vet can easily diagnose a flea allergy by checking for the presence of fleas in the coat. Fleas can be seen by the naked eye. Intradermal Skin Testing can also be used to test for this type of allergy. The most effective products for eliminating fleas are:
Advantage - Flea control for your Dog & CatFrontLine - Flea & Tick
Medication for your Dog & Cat
Capstar- Flea infestation on Dog and Cat
K9 Advantix Flea and Tick Medication (based on dog's weight)
Bacterial Allergies
A dog's skin normally harbors Staph bacteria. Usually, this bacteria does not have any affect on your dog but some dogs develop a sensitivity to it causing an allergic reaction. Your dog may develop crusts on the skin and patches of hair loss due to scratching, similar to ring worm. If these patches become infected, your dog will need to be treated with antibiotics.
Contact Allergies
Contact allergies are the least common of all dog allergies. This type of allergy produces swelling, redness, itching and hair loss. Common contact allergens include flea collars, plastic food bowls, pet sweaters, plants, grass or wool bedding. The best way to diagnose this allergy is if the symptoms continue after ruling out all other allergies. If this is the case, then you must pinpoint the allergen and remove it from your dog's environment.
This information is NOT intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care professional.
Nancy Settecasi, Owner of Happy K-9 Dog Care Proud Owner of Cookie and Skippy, Cocker Spaniels, Dog Lover http://www.happyk-9.com.
Prepare healthy homemade dog food recipes and avoid dog food allergies.With over 240 recipes you have lots of ingredients to choose from.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Is Homemade Dog Food the Way to Go?

With the pet food recall crisis worrying a lot of pet owners some have even started making their own pet food.But we have to be careful that we give our pets nutritionally balanced diet.As more pet owners prepare homemade dog food whether raw or cooked it is important to watch that you feed your dog with a balanced diet.
A few pointers if you intend to make your own dog food:
* If you give your pet raw pet food be careful about the handling and cleanliness to avoid bacteria.
* Nutritional supplements are recommended as part of the raw food diet.Dogs require 38 nutrients daily.Consult a nutritional expert.
* Be sure that if bone is part of the raw pet food then finely grind it to avoid jagged pieces.
* If you are not sure of the raw pet food then cook the food.
* Homemade dog food is a good way to feed your dog.But make sure the recipes are tailored for your dog's age,food sensitivity and health.
* Avoid certain foods such as onion,garlic,chocolate and grapes which are toxic to dogs.
This guide "Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes" will provide you with over 240 balanced homemade dog food recipes.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Dog Food Tips and Lies!

This has touched me on a personal level because I have a friend as well and I wanted to do some research in order to help out his friends who are suffering because of ignorance and human error. I can not imagine what it must be like for the owners of the pets who consumed these dog foods.
Now it is our responsibility to control our dog's nutrition, just like it's our responsibility to control our own and that of our children if you have any.
But when it comes to our dogs, we have no habit of finding out what is best for them and conveniently rely on the messages we see in advertising.
Unfortunately, those ads are bold-faced lies! The amount and types here is a article from Andrew Lewis the author of the incredible book Dog Food Secrets.
Taking Control Of Your Dog's Nutrition It's dinnertime. Do you know what your dog is eating? If you're feeding him or her commercial dog food, the answer to that just might come as a very big surprise.
Dog Nutrition or Russian Roulette?
That "Chicken Flavor" dog food you've selected may have some chicken in it. Then again, it just as well may not. It's not required to, pursuant to the FDA guidelines concerning dog food ingredient listings. That "Lamb & Rice Formula" for dogs certainly has some lamb and rice in it -- but the total combined could be as little as 25% of the total packaged product, and still conform to regulations. What comprises the remaining 75%?
Is that 75% all goodness? No!
What about all those fillers and by-products and chemical preservatives listed? Do you know what BHA and BHT are, and why they are banned for human use? Are you familiar with ethoxyquin? Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?
Is meat the first (and thereby most prevalent) ingredient listed, or does corn or grain lead the way? Do you suppose all those artificial colors and flavors are there for your dog's benefit, or for yours? Does your dog food supply the complete and balanced daily dietary provisions for your dog? And, with the loose regulations on dog food labeling leaving us somewhat in the dark as to what exactly we are feeding our pets, how can you be sure?
There is really only one way to be sure.
Give your dog some good home cooking. Homemade dog food allows for flexibility and purity. It also gives us total control over our dog's nutritional needs. We can be assured that all ingredients are of the highest quality, and add up to a balanced, toxin-free diet. We can also maintain complete caloric discretion, modifying as necessary to accommodate our dog's ever-changing demands.
But if you don't know how, you may as well go back to commercial dog food because it can be just as dangerous.
Making the decision to feed your pet fresh food does not mean you need to overcomplicate matters. You do want to make sure that you provide him with all the nutritional building blocks he needs to maintain a healthy body. Animal protein should be combined with vegetables, pasta, rice, cereals and other foods to provide all the protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals needed.
It's not quite as simple as it sounds, entirely, but it's not exactly rocket science either.
Achieving the sought-after balance is a daunting proposition, to be sure. We admit when we began our research, we were literally bombarded with facts and figures, both real and imaginary, and found that the websites delivering disinformation and misinformation abound.
In our pursuit of balance in our dogs' diets, we discovered the balance in the available research. It is our wish now to share our study with you here, in the most concise fashion. As a bonus with Dog Food SECRETS;, we have also compiled a host of easy, healthful and delicious homemade recipes for you to try with your pet.
We are not vets, and our areas of expertise comprise only loving our dogs, and wanting the best for them. You have come this far with us, so we are certain that you want that, too.
Dog Food SECRETS; shows you eactly how to decide on a diet for your dog, according to its age, weight, level of daily activity, even time of the year and more.
A dog can look healthy on the outside even when its insides are being contaminated, don't wait for the point where it's organs can no longer withstand the daily barrage of toxins.... that day is surely coming and only you can stop it.
Be the master your dog deserves and find out how to feed it properly.
May your dog have a long and happy life,
To learn more dog food tips and helping your friend then visit
George Zuwala has been in Business online and offline for over a decade he is commited to finding out what works and doesn't work for more information you can visit him at http://www.forumreviews.org
You could be feeding your dog with euthanized animals from zoos, animal control and putrid, decaying road kills.
If you continue to feed your dog exclusively on commercial pet food, you are dooming them to a painful, traumatic death.
If you want to save your dog from the horrific death suffered by hundreds of other dogs in your local area, probably in the last year alone, then you MUST follow these 3 steps:
Step 1 - Stop using commercial dog food.
Step 2 - Learn how to read commercial dog food labels
Step 3 - Get some healthy, well-balanced dog food recipes and start feeding your dog homemade food. I have a huge collection I'm happy to share with you.
Keep yourself informed and read more on the pet food recall crisis.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Is Dog Food Linked To Behavior?
What many pet owners fail to see, is that by feeding our dogs a diet that mainly consists of processed, poorly prepared dog foods or the equivalent of junk food, they may be causing many of the behavioral and severe illnesses that are found in dogs today. Basically, the diet that you are feeding your canine companion could not only be making him aggravated, hyper or plain old mean it could possibly shorten his life span.
A well balanced diet provides quality nutrition and in turn keeps the cells, tissues and organs healthy. This enables an animals’ immune system to stay in top condition to fight any invaders.
The same holds true for behavior. If you ate fast food and candy bars everyday, eventually it will affect your energy level and your mood.
Because we love our pets, this may be a little confusing for those who think that they are doing the right thing, say, feeding their pets dog foods out of the can. Admittedly, not all dog foods are bad. However, many are and contain ingredients that are difficult for your pet to digest and can make him sick. So how do you weed out the good dog foods from the bad?
In order to give your pet the best life, you must make sure that he has the best type of lifestyle, just like us humans. Before buying pet foods, check the label to see what is in the food. Basically, the first five ingredients are important. Foods that list 2 or more grains in the first 5 ingredients may have more vegetable protein than animal protein which means less nutrition and more clean up.
Canned food can also be full of preservatives, to keep the food inside from going bad. Dog foods containing preservatives should be avoided. Not only has the pet food been filled with preservatives that could cause your pet harm, the pet food has been boiled at high temperatures in the cooking process causing any of the useful nutrition found in the food to be lost anyway. Proper cooking of pet foods will ensure that no preservatives are needed to keep it fresh.
Keep in mind that canned dog food mainly consists of water so feeding a canned diet alone will not give your pet the proper nutrition they need to live a healthy lifestyle.
So let’s look at the things that should be avoided when buying pet food:
• No Preservatives. Avoid foods that contain chemicals in them such as BHT or BHA. If these preservatives are found anywhere on the label, give the food a miss, as these chemicals can be harmful to your pet.
• No by-products. By-products are the parts of meat that are unsuitable for consumption, such as the feet, necks and intestines of other animals. As you can imagine these parts of animals were not made to be digested by humans, dogs or any animals for that matter.
• Beware of grains. Soy, corn, corn gluten and wheat gluten are often used as protein sources; however, they are generally inferior and difficult to digest.
Give your pet the chance at life that he deserves, feed him with a good nutritious premium dog food, free from preservatives and additives that are not meant for dogs. A great way to decide what is suitable for your dog to eat is ask yourself if you would eat it? If your answer is no, don’t feed it to your pet.
About The Author
Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. Enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit http://www.premium4pets.com for more information.
The only way to be sure that what you feed your dog is free from all these harmful additives is to prepare the dog food yourself.
Most of us may think it is a lot of work to prepare these meals but i have found a book which has over 240 dog food recipes which are easy and cheaper to make. This ebook "Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes" has tips and techniques that is like having a dog encyclopedia at home.
Click here to download the ebook instantly and even discover a "Skunk Odor Remover recipe"!!
Check out this site http://www.squidoo.com/dogfoodtraining for more information and updates on dog food tips.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Are You Frustrated With The Growing Dog Food Recalls?
But which commercial dog food do we trust now to give our pets? Most pet owners are getting frustrated as the list of these dog food recalls keep growing. Do we really want to gamble with the lives of our dogs? I think not. The more reason we should give our dogs healthy homemade dog food preparations that you can make right in your kitchen.
Click Here to download for 245 amazing homemade dog food recipes.
Free Dog Treat recipes!
By Jeremiah O'Connell
Here are 3 free dog treat recipes you can make at home for a lot less money than you think. Treating your dog to something special has never been this quick, easy and inexpensive.
You may never have taken him to a doggie day spa (too prissy), doggie day care (too many other dogs), or even had a doggie walker (too impersonal), but now’s the chance to put on your tallest chef hat, lace up that apron, and get to work on some of the best doggie cuisine you’ve ever seen.
So the next time you want to pamper that pup why not give these dog recipes a shot.:
1. ------------ Beefy Biscuits ------------
Category: Meaty Treats
Serves: 2dozen
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Experience: **
1.5 L (6 1/2 cups) buckwheat flour
360 ml (1 1/2 cups) water
15 ml (1 T) garlic
50 ml (4 T) basil
480 ml (2 cups) low sodium beef broth
Quick Tip - Use these cookies as rewards during training sessions and watch your dog’s progress vault ahead.
Preparation and Cooking
Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processors. Add flour/water to compensate for liquidity/thickness. Once dough can form a ball, roll into a 1” thick log and ½” thick cookies from end. Arrange on a cookie sheet
2. -------- Baby Biscuits --------
Category: Meaty Treats
Serves: 2dozen
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Experience: **
150 ml (1/2 cup) dry milk powder1 egg
590 ml (2 1/2 cups) whole wheat flour
1/2 tablespoon garlic
30 ml (2 T) molasses
150 ml (1/2 cup) water
90 ml (6 T) beef broth
1 jar baby food meat puree
Preparation and Cooking
Combine all ingredients thoroughly and roll out to ¼” thickness on a lightly floured surface. Use a pizza cutter to cut small rectangles from dough and arrange on a cookie sheet. Bake for 30 minutes at 180ºC (350ºF) and allow to cool overnight.
Variations - Because these dog treats have both sweet and savoury flavors, you can vary the baby food flavor to your pup’s liking.
3. -------- Nuke Biscuits --------
Category: Meaty Treats
Serves: 12 treats
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Experience: **
250 ml (1 cup) whole wheat flour
175 ml (3/4 cup) dry milk
60 ml (1/4 cup) cornmeal
100 ml (1/3 cup) bacon drippings
1 beef bouillon cube, smashed
120 ml (1/2 cup) buckwheat flour
120 ml (1/2 cup) instant oatmeal
1 egg
120 ml (1/2 cup) hot water
Preparation and Cooking
Combine flour, cornmeal, milk, and oats in a large bowl. Cut in bacon drippings and mix in egg, bouillon, and hot water. Knead until a ball forms. Roll to ½? thickness on a lightly floured surface and cut into doggie-themed shapes. Microwave at half power for 10 minutes and allow to cool overnight.
Variations - Use Biscuit mix if you don?t have cornmeal handy.
Quick Tip - Try experimenting with different cutout shapes and thicknesses, just be certain to keep a close eye on them while baking.
So you See? Cooking for your dog is much easier and less expensive than you think. If you just want to experiment in making your own dog food, you'll find a wide variety of dog recipes in my report "180 Delicious Gourmet Dog Recipes - Even You Can Enjoy!"
Just remember to have fun and you and your dog will enjoy these free dog treat recipes!
By Jeremiah O'Connell
If you're looking for more delicious recipes to treat your best friend, then you won't do better than "180 Fantastic Gourmet Recipes that Even You can Enjoy" I highly recommend it:
Friday, April 20, 2007
Stores Continue to Sell Poison Dog Food After Recall
In a shocking news story, head of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, CVM of the FDA, Dr Steven Sundlof says that some stores have not removed contaminated dog food from their shelves.
Initially, the dog food recall involved Menu Foods which has recalled more than 100 brands of dog food. That recall has expanded and continues to grow with more brands and manufacturers being added to the recall list almost daily.
Dr. Sundlof told Senators in a recent hearing that he could not rule out the discovery of more tainted food.
While the FDA continues its investigation and monitoring of dog food retailers, the sad result is that some retailers are continuing to sell contaminated dog food. While there is no evidence that this is intentional, the sad fact remains that dogs who eat this food are in danger of suffering from kidney failure and dying.
The Veterinary Information Network states that between 2,000 to 7,000, pet deaths have been reported since the inception of the dog food crisis.
With the possibility of more poison dog food being discovered and some retailers not having removed poison dog food from their shelves, reports of kidney failure and death in dogs will most likely continue to grow.
Who Do You Believe?
Elizabeth Hodgkins, DVM indicated that said pet food labels should be prohibited from proclaiming claims of safety unless ingredients are rigorously tested. The veterinarian went on to say that such testing does not take place.
Dr Hodgkins went on to tell U.S. Senators that:
“Through astonishingly successfully marketing efforts of the industry, pet owners and their veterinarians have come to believe that household pets must consume commercial foods, and only commercial foods, day in and day out, throughout their entire lives, in order to remain healthy”
We have long proclaimed the fallacy of this notion and the serious health consequences our dogs may experience if more attention is given to just what we feed our dogs.
The dog food industry stated the following in defense of commercial dog food products.
“Pet foods are safe,”
Yup, that’s it. One report indicates that Menu Foods blames the dog food recall on a clerical error.
Some deadly error !
As a consumer and dog parent, the choice is yours. Will you change the way you feed your dog? Will you find out if the dog food you feed your best friend is slowly poisoning her? Or will you believe the claims of the dog food industry?
News stories report that many dog owners are not aware of the impact of the dog food recall, nor have changed the food that they feed their dogs.
This is perhaps one of the more frightening collateral aspects of the story. Your dog depends on you for love and the basic necessities of life. Taking the time to become an informed dog parent can make the difference between having a long and happy life with your best friend or the possibility that your dog may become the next statistic in a database of recalled dog food deaths.
My small 8 year old dog suddenly became ill and no vet could determine the cause. Her life expectancy was 25 years. Don’t let anything happen to your best friend. See what’s in your dogs’ food at http://www.dogs-4life.com/dog-food-that-kills.html This article may be reproduced unedited with the author's link displayed
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Deadliest Dog Food Ingredients To Avoid!
An ebook has been compiled from research undertaken on what is still used in these commercial dog food.This book on the most deadliest dog food ingredients costs just half of what we would pay for a decent dog grooming kit.
I think as dog owners we owe to ourselves and our pets to know which are these harmful dog food ingredients that are normally used in the making of the dog food.
Click Here and be informed!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Is Your Dog Happy With That Store-Bought Processed Dog Food?
The health and happiness of our dogs is of upmost importance to dog owners. But how can you help your dog to be healthy? One of the easiest ways is to avoid processed dog food.
Most dog food is highly processed. What you can usually buy at the pet store or grocery store is highly processed food. Even premium and prescription dog food is usually highly processed. People know that food that is processed isn't as healthy for you and that it doesn't taste as good. Well, the same is true of dog food.
So if you want to avoid highly processed dog food, what are your options? Many pet stores are starting to carry natural food. While these may be more expensive, they give you peace of mind because you know that the food is good for your dog. As an added benefit, for your dog at least, the food probably tastes better too.
Another option is to make your own dog food. Recipes for dog food run from basic to gourmet. Basic recipes require a minimal amount of ingredients and require only a few minutes to prepare. Some of the more gourmet recipes are a little more expensive and (quite frankly) sound so appetizing that you may consider eating them yourself.
Keep your dog happy and healthy. Try to avoid processed dog food. Buying natural food is one option. Another option, which can be the most cost effective, is to find recipes and make food for your dog on your own.
Mike Thomas provides free dog food recipes and other tips to keep your dog healthy on his website.
Read more on the dangers of processed dog food and find out the alternative food for your dog.
Tips on Best Dog Food Recipes!
Our recommended ebook has over 245 recipes to choose from and some just take minutes to prepare. If you love your dog you will do yourself good to download this book and start giving your pet Best dog food recipes with healthier ingredients. You will be amazed at how fast your dog's health and behavior will improve and reduce your dog food cost by half!
Download the the best dog food recipes now and pay only $29.95 and get recipes for a lifetime.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Get Control of Your Pet's Diet With Recipes For Homemade Dog Food

As a dog owner, I found myself not knowing what to do during the current pet food recall. What was I going to feed my dog when I couldn't trust the food supply? I started by looking at what's in dog food. I took that information and did my own search for the best dog food to buy. Finally, as the recall spread, I looked into recipes for homemade dog food as a solution to the problem and take control of what I feed my dog.
So what's in the dog food we feed our pet? The raw materials are grain, meat, and fat. The manufacturers also add vitamins and minerals during the process. The process is very similar to making bread. The mix goes through several cooking phases, where the various levels of moisture are created. Wet foods are created early in the process. For dry food, the majority of water is removed until it eventually is cut into the familiar "kibble" that we pour in our dog's dish.
Recipes for homemade dog food give us complete control over the ingredients and processes used to make the food. The best dog food manufacturers use a minimum of fillers and additives in their process. You can create dog food with the right mix of meat, grain, and fat that your dog needs without any of the fillers and additives. During the recall, we've heard a lot about rat poison and melamine in one of the grains (wheat gluten) used in pet food. By making your own dog food, you eliminate the risk.
Making your own dog food is not really that much different than making your own dinner. Recipes for homemade dog food are readily available. If you are careful with the ingredients and get the right mix, you can make food for your dog that might be better than what you're eating! This gives you the confidence that what you're feeding your dog is truly the best.
So what are the best recipes for homemade dog food? While there are many good recipes, the process of how you make the food is vitally important too. I follow a specific process to make my dog's food that works well for him. However, to be really certain of what you're making, you need to try different ingredients and processes until you find the best combination. Making your own dog food may be the only way to be really certain of what you're feeding your dog, at least until researchers have found the real problem causing the recall.
Peter Drivas is a pet owner who thinks he should feed his dog better than he feeds himself. To see the latest dog food recipes he's trying, check this website at:
Healthy Dog Food: Homemade Dog Food Recipes!

After reading the previous posts I am sure most of us with dogs are just wondering what to feed them. We have discovered John Miller's amazing homemade dog food recipes that has taken him over 50 years to develop and perfect.
Your dog will grow faster and stronger and at almost half the cost it would have costed you using the harmful commercial dog food.
This is an e book that every dog lover should have.With 245 dog food recipes to choose from these homemade dog food recipes are easy to make and will cost you near to nothing to make them.
You will also discover how to use normal products you find in your kitchen and bathroom to improve the quality of life of your dog.
Please click here and check out out all about Healthy Dog Food and the Homemade dog food recipes.
I almost forgot to mention that there is a special 1st Anniversary Sale price reduction plus another bonus treat you wouldn't want to miss!!
Maria Mbura
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Dog Food Secrets Review
Growing up in a family comprised of a science professor, multiple registered nurses, and a surgeon, nutrition and health were always common topics at the dinner table.
As a lifelong dog owner interested in dog health and longevity I was curious to find out what Andrew Lewis had to say about the state of commercial dog food. I have spent a good deal of time and research on dog nutrition in the quest for the ultimate objective- keeping my dogs healthy and maximizing their longevity.
My independent research revealed that dogs are frequently classified as geriatric at the ripe young age of 5 years old. Why? Well the number 1 reason is diet. Dogs have nutritional needs that are frequently ignored or simply unfulfilled by otherwise well meaning dog owners who feed their dogs every day commercial dog food.
Veterinarians and dog nutritionists tell us that many commercial dog foods have inadequate proteins, fats vitamins and minerals. Not only that these commercial dog food products are loaded with slaughterhouse waste, toxic materials, junk fillers, heavy metals , pesticides, herbicides, additives , preservatives and more worthless and potentially harmful "ingredients."
That is not to say that all commercial dog food is bad. But, a lot of it is simply unhealthy and a hazard to your dog's health and longevity.
With this perspective I read Dog Food Secrets to see if Andrew Lewis would shed any light on this murky mess. As an ardent dog lover I was floored by what I read.
The state of the commercial dog food world is worse than I had imagined. Andrew gives an incredibly detailed look at just what is in dog food and tells you how to decipher what's in your dog food. He goes on to explain what your dog needs in her food to support a long and healthy life.
In fact, Andrew reveals that your dog's life is being drastically reduced daily if your are feeding commercial dog food. You are, in reality, killing your dog with some of the "ingredients" commonly found in many commercial dog food brands.
I made fast and furious notes as I read Dog Food Secrets and learned a great deal about healthy alternatives. This was spell binding as I now had a true path to doubling my dogs life expectancy .
With the recent dog food recall by Menu Foods, Purina and Hills Science Diet that have caused approximately 100 brands to be pulled from store shelves, this information is a must have. To date there have been 8000 reported cases of problems from contaminated commercial food that we are feeding our dogs daily. Dogs are suffering from kidney and renal failure as the result of eating commercial dog food tainted with rat poison, and a chemical that is used in the making of plastics and fertilizer as I write this.
Not only that, I learned that dogs are being slowly euthanized every day they eat many commercial dog food brands, and why. Andrew tells us how to put a stop to this slow killing of man’s best friend. If you love your dog, you have to read Dog Food Secrets, print it out and keep it handy every time you go near a dog food aisle in a store.
I will continue to report on dog food that is killing your dog as well as the handful of healthy dog food brands. The sad fact is that the healthy are but a few and the majority are unhealthy and potentially fatal to your dog. No wonder dogs are considered geriatric at 5 years old. Unwittingly, we are depriving them of their nutritional requirements and poisoning our dogs every time we fill their bowl.
To give your dog her best chance at a healthy and long life, up to 27 years or more, read Dog Food Secrets. You'll be glad you did. I know I am.
Do you know what is in your dog's food? Get the scoop at http://www.dogs-4life.com/dog-food-that-kills.html This article may be reproduced unedited with the author's link displayed
Welcome To My First Biz Blog!
We will be looking at various products and services to help us in many areas of our lives and the lives of our love ones, our pets and even our environments.
So come with me and let us see how we can cut through all the information in the Net and make our lives better and easier.
Today i would like to talk about Dog Food. Most of us who have dogs know how we are affected when they get down with any sickness. But it can be very devastating when they are young and die suddenly from unexplainable sickness.
Read more about how we could be the cause of our pets unfortunate demise through the commercial dog food we buy and give them. We could actually be killing our dogs with the dog food we give them!
If you have a pet that you care about then you need to get this information as soon as possible!
Don't wait to regret check out the following link for the simple steps Dog Food Secrets survival guides and guarantee your dog a longer healthier life.

Act now and click here for more information!